A public event was held to raise awareness of Robotics as a career option, the opportunities that are accessible, and the career path that should be pursued. It was attended by students from several branches of the college's second and third years, as well as all club members. This review provides a look at various robotics-related technologies such as ROS, Solidworks, and electronic simulators that were utilised as part of club activities. The event lasted two hours.
Robot Operating System
Robot Operating System (ROS) is a popular industrial tool for prototyping and developing robots. This is the Demanding Industry tool, which is used to design robots in a variety of fields. Because ROS is the most important tool utilized in the competitions in which club members compete, this event aims to provide excellent ROS training to club members. Over the course of six months, almost fifty students went through an intensive ROS training program. This program covers everything from the fundamentals through advanced techniques, as well as a variety of intermediate tasks for practice. These 50 individuals were screened out after the training and assigned to teams that compete in competitions
Arduino and IOT
The purpose of this training is to prepare members of the Hardware Section for contests. Twenty students received articles, tutorials, and one-on-one help from seniors. They were given tasks to do and were graded on how well they completed them. Students who performed well on the tasks were chosen and assigned to competing teams. Other students who performed below average or averagely were offered further instruction by seniors and outstanding students in order to strengthen their skill set.
The goal of this training is to get Mechanical section members ready for competitions. 5 people who applied for the Mechanical segment were given solid-works Tools training, which is also necessary for developing mechanical robot models. These five students were given resources and tasks in order to get practical experience. They were later divided into teams for competitions.
Machine Learning
This course is for students who are interested in using machine learning in robotics. It was led by the club's ML experts. This workshop was attended by approximately 20 students. This instruction began with Andrew-ng's course of Machine-learning on the Coursera platform, followed by numerus ML and Reinforcement Articles and blogs. Students were given assignments to complete and were graded on them. Students that excelled in this training were assigned to several teams that would compete.
Orangewood CEO was invited who spoke about industrial robotics, and the kind of research undergoing on robotic arms, where robotics headed as a future prospect in India and opportunities available for startups based on robotics. It was attended by approximately 100 students.
Founders of HC Robotics were invited to speak. They talked about their products in security and surveillance in India and the U.S. .
An event was organized in collaboration with LDC during Springspree to teach students about the steps required to write out a research paper. They were taught the proper methodology to be taken while undergoing a research project and writing down in the suitable format which can be submitted as a paper in conferences. For the second event, a competition was held. They were given a scenario and asked to write out a research paper. It was attended and participated by twenty students and their submissions were judged and prizes handed out.